



英特尔首席执行官帕特·基辛格。(人民视觉  资料图)




Good morning, I'm Pat Gelsinger, CEO of Intel and it is an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to speak with everyone at the World Internet Conference today. 


For more than three decades now, Intel and China have engaged in a long-term and collaborative partnership to build and renovate digital infrastructures, supporting industry and economic growth.


Today as the world is becoming more digitized than ever, every business is a technology business. There has never been a better or more important time to be a technologist. And with the pandemic still encompassing our globe, I am keenly reminded just how connected we have become as a global community. 


The pace of tech evolution today is the fastest we've ever experienced, yet it's also the slowest pace of tech innovation that will experience for the remainder of our lives. Together, we must continue to evolve and innovate alongside. At our disposal are four extraordinary technological capabilities we are really just beginning to tap into. I call them the four superpowers, and they are the heart of industry shaping digital transformation. These superpowers allow us to push forward with innovation, discovery, and growth. 


The first superpower is ubiquitous compute. Everything we interact with involves computer technology. Compute capabilities are permeating every aspect of our existence, serving as the human technology interaction point across the existing devices and emerging form factors. 


Another is pervasive connectivity, meaning everyone and everything is connected. 


The third is cloud to edge infrastructure, creating a dynamic reliable path for connected compute and data. Unlimited scale and capacity in the cloud, combined with unlimited reach through the intelligent edge. 


And finally, AI. Intelligence everywhere, turning infinite data into actionable insight. 


Each superpower is impressive on its own, together they reinforce and amplify one another, creating powerful new possibilities. They are also fundamentally altering how we experience the impact of technology, even the way we interact with our PC's, devices, homes and cars with semiconductors serving as the underlying technology, powering such digitization. The superpowers also exponentially increased the world's need for compute and an inverse ratio of size to power. Moores law in a nutshell, Intel is excited to continue partnering with China to provide leading technologies and accelerate digital transformation through these superpowers.


Intel and I are also looking forward to the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. Such a global event brings together athletes from around the world to compete and participate, and it will showcase the power of world changing technology to improve people's lives.

